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Weather Conditions for Halkidiki in June

Weather Conditions for Halkidiki in June

Weather Conditions for Halkidiki in June

Is June the right month for a summer holiday? Many tourists seem puzzled by that question. And for a good reason since the answer depends on many variables. Of them, weather conditions are crucial the most. And all of them are favorable in Halkidiki Greece during June.

Sea and air temperatures

The sea temperature is lower in June than in July in Halkidiki. But it is still warm enough for activities in the water. The statistics state that the average sea temperature during the first summer month in the destination is 24˚C (75˚F). Even if it fluctuates a bit, it hardly drops below 21˚C (70˚F) or rises above 26.5˚C (80˚F).

Air temperatures are also ideal this time of year. Morning temperatures are somewhat lower. But daily highs are quite pleasant for seaside activities. For example, early morning temperatures range between 16˚C/61˚F and 24˚C/75˚F. Daily temperatures are warm in general, varying from 24˚C/75˚F to 29˚C/84˚F. You will agree that the sea and air temperatures can hardly get better than that for activities in the water.

Sun and rain

In general, the Halkidiki region in Greece isn’t especially rainy throughout the year. June in this destination is wet even less than that. Let’s say that you shouldn’t have more than 7 days with “some” rain if you come here for the entire month. Not to mention that days in the first half of June are for about the third more likely to be rainy than days in the second.

The chances of a cloudy weather are also on the decrease in the course of June in Halkidiki. At the beginning of the month, the skies are approx. 30% likely to be cloudy. By its end, this possibility is only 12%. Let’s also say that the number of hours with sunshine is about 10 per day. So, nice weather is as good as guaranteed.

Humidity and wind

If you worry about humidity, don’t. In most cases, it feels comfortable in this regard by the seaside of Halkidiki during June. As for the wind, gentle breeze is the strongest wind you will notice here this time of year.