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How to Get to Sunday Resort from Nearby Countries

How to Get to Sunday Resort from Nearby Countries

How to Get to Sunday Resort from Nearby Countries

Find out the shortest routes on how to get from Romania, Serbia, Bulgaria, and Skopje to Gerakini, Halkidiki, in Greece and spend your summer at Sunday Resort.

How to Get to Sunday Resort from Nearby Countries

When the first spring flowers blossom, it’s a sign that summer is a breath away and Halkidiki is an excellent vacation destination for people living in nearby countries. Whether you reside in Serbia, Bulgaria, Skopje, or Romania, all routes lead to the Greek blue seas and The Sunday Resort in Gerakini, Halkidiki, a place where your needs are catered down to the last detail. The question is how to get here without a hassle.

Getting to Gerakini Halkidiki by car is easy

There’s no denying that flying out to the Thessaloniki International Airport and then renting a car to get to Halkidiki is the most hassle-free way to get here. But the most expensive traveling option too. Thinking about driving?

With the summer breeze taking your winter burdens off your shoulder, this is not only the most frugal but also the most pleasant solution. Here are the shortest routes from each country.

Traveling from Romania, Serbia, FYROM & Bulgaria

If you’re starting your trip from Sofia, Bulgaria, you need to stick to the route A3, continue on the road 1 and drive on road A25 once you pass the customs on the border and then take A24 for Nea Moudania.

If you are departing from Bucharest, Romania, you need to get on the route E85 and travel south all the way to the Bulgarian border in the city of Ruse. Once you leave the customs, continue on E85 and take E83 to get to Sofia, Bulgaria. Then, you will have to follow the same route as you would if you were coming from Sofia – routes A3, 1, A25 & A24.

Driving from Serbia? Take route E75 from Belgrade and all the way through Skopje until you reach Gevgelia close to the Greek border. Once you pass the customs, stay on the same route to Thessaloniki. Naturally, if you are getting here from Skopje, you follow the route E75. The road A24 will lead you to Nea Moudania.

No matter where you are coming from, you will end up in Nea Moudania where you need to exit the route to Sithonia. Twenty minutes later, you’ll be at your destination: Sunday Summer Resort.